Finally a CWNE (CWNE#388)

After continuously monitoring for my application status, finally on the blessed day of 14th April 2020, I was able to see my application status as approved, Alhumdulillah. This is exactly a day after my birthday and 4 days short of my baby turning 1 month 🙂

From the date of my submitting the application, the review process took over 14 days. Application was submitted on 1st of April and was able get the update by 14th April.

It had been 40 days since I got the chance today to update about my delight on achieving my dream certification. Had been engaged heavily in the Network migrations and newly attained parenthood and finally got the chance to write about the post on my first Eid holiday 🙂

For all those who are planning to take the certification path in CWNE, as a personal experience have found the journey as worthy as would be the achieving the CWNE number.

Its always best to start the journey as soon as possible and not to hurry in completing the certifications in quick sessions. Appear for exams only once you are completely through in the subject as it is only the exam preparation that will serve the ‘PURPOSE’ of a student getting compelled to know the intricacies of the subject. Always try to co-relate every day to day work in office related to wireless networking with the knowledge that you gain from the studies of certification and add more value to the work and refinement of knowledge.

The journey at first may look difficult but when started with sincere intentions and with consistent efforts will surely help one to get through it one day.

Summarizing the on going journey in Wireless Networking as follows:

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